
Joining or Renewing Membership

As a Member, you receive many benefits, including our newsletter, a weekly news digest, invitations to monthly meetings, and much more. To see a detailed list of the benefits, click HERE.

Dues and Details

  • $20  per year for an individual membership.
  • $25  per year for a family. (A family member is a person living in your household.)

Our fiscal year begins January 1, therefore dues (US funds) are payable at the January meeting for the year to follow.

There are two ways to join/renew:
1. Print a form and mail it in with your check
Click HERE to access our downloadable application form.
Mail the completed form with your payment to:
SVGS Membership Chairperson
PO Box 192
Burlington, Washington 98233-0192
2. Use our online form
To apply online, click HERE to fill out the form. Once you fill out the form, you will be directed to pay your dues.