
We Need YOU and You Need Us

SVGS is a member-driven and volunteer-run organization.  We could not succeed without the support of our members, and the talents and dedication of our volunteers.  The benefits of volunteering include friendship with fellow genealogists, sharing genealogical tips, enhancing your current skills and discovering skills you never  knew you had.

You need us, the non-profit organization (Skagit Valley Genealogical Society) created in 1978 by a handful of women) and we (SVGS board) need you (member-volunteers)  to help accomplish the goals and objectives of the society.  With the unwelcomed appearance of Covid-19, it is harder than ever to meet our established goals.  Luckily, virtual video conferencing  (Zoom) has helped us to continue providing quality genealogy presentations to our members and guests and at the same time a virtual way of seeing each other and socializing. Because of the coronavirus pandemic and the need to distance ourselves from each other until a vaccine is created to keep us safe, there will be some  volunteer duties that we will not be doing at this time.  We are hopeful and confident that eventually we will be back attending meetings in the future at the Burlington Public Library.  Please click on one of the links below to see how you may be able to help us continue serving you and others with your genealogy adventure.