Past Queries
The queries on this page are listed with the most recent at the top of the page. To access earlier queries scroll down the page. They are not alphabetized. You can do a control F that will allow you to type in a surname to find the name you are searching.
Today’s Date:
My Name (First & Last):
Patricia Connell
My Email:
My Address:
2301 SW Rosario Place
My Location
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Ancestor’s Name:
James MacPhail
Who I’m Searching:
James MAcPhail was my maternal grandmother’s brother (one of 9 children) of Fanny Cave MacPhail abd Hugh Crookes MacPhail. There was John Gilbert (went to Canada), William, Constance Eveline, Else, Leonard, Percy, Emma, Mercy.
More Information:
I am searching for family who were progeny of James who went to Perth, Australia in the late 1980’s
Today’s Date: 2024-04-18
My Name (First & Last): Martin Thompson
My Email:
Query Message:
I am the son of Richard Ernest “Dick” Thompson who was a prominent businessman in Mt Vernon from the late 60’s through his death in 1975. He is buried in the Mt Vernon cemetery in the IOOF section just north of the big green tank. I am mostly looking for the chance to connect with any of his friends from the time before his death.
Thank you for your time,
Martin Richard Thompson
Query Online?: Yes
Email Share?: Yes
Surnames: Thompson
Maiden Name (optional): OR
Today’s Date: 2024-04-03
My Name (First & Last): Christie May
My Email:
Query Message:
I am looking for any info on the May family in Skagit County. I just know that my great grandfather & great gma were Caleb May & Anna May. They had 4 children I think. Harold & Dee “Dorthea” May were my great aunt & uncle. Lloyd was my grandpa. And that is all I have. I don’t have anything else really. Can you tell me where to find more info or how. Please thank you.
Query Online?: Yes
Email Share?: Yes
Surnames: Surname: May. Looking for the May family.
Maiden Name (optional): May
Today’s Date: 2024-03-02
My Name (First & Last): Melonie Liening
My Email:
Query Message:
I am trying to locate an obituary or newspaper article about an auto accident which occurred in Skagit County around 27 March 1940 where Charles S Allan was killed. Are you aware of any newspapers in Skagit County during that time period, and if so, where they might be located? I am helping a woman join DAR and Charles S (Silas) Allan’s death certificate does not list his parents. I am hoping something in the newspaper might give that information. Thank you!
Query Online?: Yes
Email Share?: Yes
Surnames: Allan
Maiden Name (optional): Sackman
Today’s Date: 2023-06-20
My Name (First & Last): John Morgan
My Email:
Query Message:
Born: April 10, 1841 in Muhlenberg Co, KY
Married: Marietta Murray in Marion Co, MO
Oct 11, 1868 in Marion Co, MO
Died: July 28, 1880 He & son Harvey drowned in Skagit River,
Buried at Mt. Vernon, WA
John Arehart Imbler enlisted on Co. F, 3rd Mo Cav on Oct 25,1861;
discharged Nov 26, 1864 at Little Rock, Ark (Capt F. M Wilcox).
Enlisted in Co F, 4th Regt US Veteran Vol; on March 22,1865 & was
discharged on March 21, 1866 at Louisville. KY (Capt. James Mac
He moved from Kansas (Wichita area) to Washington in 1877. He and his
son Harvey were drowned on Skagit River. His wife and three children
returned to MO.
Federal Land Mgt – A John Imbler secured land in Skagit Co, WA
between 1875-1880; was said individual John named in FLM recorded my
John Arehart? Any grave marker?
Thank you for your assistance,
John Morgan Douglass
Query Online?: Yes
Email Share?: Yes
Maiden Name (optional): Douglass
Today’s Date: 2021-12-16
My Name (First & Last): Desiree Williams
My Email:
Query Message:
SIDNEY AND MYRTLE (STRATTON) WARNER: I am looking for any photos or documents you may have of Sidney and Myrtle and/or The Warner Department Store in Mt. Vernon. Sidney and Myrtle were members of the Rotary Club and involved in the Mt. Vernon business community. Sidney died in 1937 in Seattle and Myrtle died in 1956 in Anacortes.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Hiester, Warner, Stratton, Raberge.
Today’s Date: 2020-10-05
My Name (First & Last): Sylvia Ammons
My Email:
Query Message: ATTENTION
To Athena Perry, You posted a query to SVGS re your family names of Hinkley, Wayne, Cartwright. As the genealogist for SVGS, I sent a reply to the e-mail you posted asking what specific information you wanted. I have not heard back from you and am not sure if my message got through. Please feel free to contact me at my personal e-mail or through the SVGS queries and I will see if I can help you. Thank you, Sylvia
Query Online?: Yes
Maiden Name (optional): McClelland
Today’s Date: 2020-09-23
My Name (First & Last): Athena Perry
My Email:
Query Message:
I believe I have family in Skagit county and the surrounding areas, my mom was adopted as an infant by the Cartwright family. My mom was born in Tacoma, but we believe there are still relations or at least graves of her family in skagit. My dad’s side might have family here as well. I’ve seen his family names around town.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Hinkley
Maiden Name (optional): Wayne
Today’s Date: 2020-02-23
My Name (First & Last): Ross Warren
My Email:
Query Message:
Looking for any information on Aimee Ruth Doris Wilkerson. Maiden name was Kirshner and or Arnold. She was born in Philadelphia, PA on 6/21/1926 and died 2/6/1982 in Mount Vernon, WA. My Mother was adopted and we have just learned that this was her biological Mother, my Grandmother! I believe she went by Ruth more than Aimee. We would love to learn anything we can about her and the Wilkerson family.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Arnold, Kirshner, Wilkerson, Eickbush/Eickbusch
Today’s Date: 2019-10-31
My Name (First & Last): Sylvia Ammons
My Email:
Query Message:
HELP-Mary Ackerman was born in WI in 1854. She is listed as a granddaughter of Nathaniel Steele Rowley and Olive Rowley in the 1860 fed. census for WI>Adams>Jackson. I do not know her parents names but think that her mother might have been Calista W. Rowley. According to the US GENWEB Archives, there is an obituary for Calista W. Rowley, who died in Aug 1859, on the WI obits page but when I click on it, it will not come up. Any ideas how to get the obit??
Query Online?: Yes
Today’s Date: 2019-03-20
My Name (First & Last): Lee Larson
My Email:
Query Message:
I’ve sent this query to Candice Soine, sorry for the redundancy, but here goes: I’m looking for any info on the history of the old Swedish M.E. church, wondering if you might have anything?
Query Online?: Yes
Maiden Name (optional):
Today’s Date: 2019-03-04
My Name (First & Last): Michael Heinrich
My Email:
Query Message:
Hello, I am looking for an obituary for Frank A. Blair who died August 4, 1918 in Mount Vernon. His wife was Mary E. Blair.
If there is a donation requested for this service, please advise, I will provide.
Mike Heinrich
Camdenton, MO
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Frank A. Blair, death date Aug. 4, 1918
Maiden Name (optional): MO
Today’s Date: 2019-02-19
My Name (First & Last): Mark Hanstad
My Email:
Query Message:
Please verify the following:
Ole Olsson Amunds. Honnstad
b. 12 May 1862 in Ommundstua Honnstad Surnadal
d. 14 Aug 1942 in Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington, United States
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Amunds. Honnstad
Maiden Name (optional): IL
Today’s Date: 2019-01-10
My Name (First & Last): Mark Hanstad
My Email:
Query Message:
I am looking for Jon Lewis Anable, Born: 30 Oct 1823, Died: 11 Apr 1906 in Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington, United States
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Anable
Today’s Date: 2019-02-05
My Name (First & Last): Melanie Jones
My Email:
Query Message:
Rasmus Johnson , Bayview area 1904-1937.
I am looking for my Great Grandfather Rasmus Jensen. He later changed his last name to Johnson after he moved to Washington sometime after 1904. He was born in Denmark in 1870. He died in Skagit county in 1937. He had two sons, Carl C. Johnson and Victor Johnson who were born in Byron , Minn who moved with him to Washington.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Johnson
Maiden Name (optional): Wallace
Today’s Date: 2019-01-02
My Name (First & Last): Thomas Milton Henry Parsons
My Email:
Query Message:
Stumped at proving my paternal great grandfather’s place and date of birth, wife, and parents. We have several candidates, but none can be proved satisfactorily. On the other hand, there is quite a lot of information about my great-grandfather and great-grandmother as they migrated west from New York (probably) to Wisconsin (met and married my great grandmother and had several children), Minnesota (another birth), Montana (3 more births), Nevada (birth of my paternal grandfather) and California (finally).
My parents were Horace Oliver Parsons (1910-1972), and Iola Harold ROUSE Parsons (1912-2013).
My paternal grandfather was Nelson Marvin Parsons (1878-1958) and my paternal grandmother Helen Estelle BECK Parsons (1879-1952).
My paternal great-great-grandmother, wife of the person I am querying, was Aramintha Lamira WARNER Parsons (1839-1909).
I have found several candidates for the parents of my paternal great-great-grandfather, but I cannot prove them and I am concerned that there are other better candidates.
The name Joseph Parsons is one first name of several candidates, but there are problems, including lack of proof, of each candidate. Places of birth of the Josephs vary from England, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachussets, etc.
Nancy may very well be the first name of my great-great-grandfather’s mother, appearing in the 1950 U S Federal Census above the name of my great-great-grandfather (he was 25 and she was 55), all in the household of Ira Warner, his wife’s father, in Pleasant Valley, Marquette, Wisconsin, USA.
There’s more in my public tree, _1 Parsons Family Tree.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Parsons, specifically Nelson Milton Parsons, born about 1823-1826, died Dec 1 1906 in Modesto, Stanislaus County, California. The locations of his birth vary from New York (likely), Pennsylvania, Vermont, Massachussets, but with a possibility of Sweden. With a name like Parsons (Parson, Person, Persons, etc.) his most dominant ethnicity is likely English (or Irish), but my sister has some Sweden in her DNA.
Today’s Date: 2018-11-28
My Name (First & Last): Patsy Hackstock-Storgaard
My Email:
Query Message:
I believe the Betty A Fellion, a past president of SVGS, is the person that I am trying to locate in my research. She passed in Jun 1988 at age 63 in Sedro-Woolley. Our Betty was the wife of Henry Clyde Fellion 1921 Pueblo CO 1992 Sedro-Woolley WA. Her maiden name, or possibly prior married name has been reported as Mitchell but we cannot find anything to confirm that. Thus, we do not have a maiden name or location of birth to work with. Is it possible that you might have some addition information that can help me out??
Today’s Date: 2018-06-10
My Name (First & Last): cathy Steiger
My Email:
Query Message:
I desire any info on the James Norris family in Burlington from the early 1900’s Shorty(murney), Burlington Hill, Mary Norris(Mrs. James), Grace Norris, teacher,
Farm on Sharon st, Ross Norris and his strawberry farm, Norris Brothers Co., Guy Norris
Also a Source to find what hiway projects the Norris Bothers and/or Guy Norris did for the state
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Norris
Maiden Name (optional): Norris
Today’s Date: 2018-03-22
My Name (First & Last): Joe Ripley
My Email:
Query Message:
I am looking for obit info for Rt Rev John Hamers. I was a former parishioner and want to know if/when he passed away. There was a good article about him in SV Herald on June 4, 2017 by Marilyn Napier. He was then 92, living in a Mt. Vernon retirement community, and had the word ‘hospice’ in his vocabulary. The SVH did not have an obituary and referred me to you. Please feel free to email or call 206-271-7328. Thank You.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Hamers
Today’s Date: 2018-03-03
My Name (First & Last): Karen Strelow
My Email:
Query Message:
CRESSEY, Jeff, circa 1929-? Burlington, Alger, Skagit region.
My search is for information on his wife, Winnie A (Satterwhite) McGillis Cressey. They were married in Seattle in October, 1929. My records have her living in Tacoma, WA in 1944 – Jeff Cressey is not mentioned. Winnie (Winnifred) had 2 daughters, Victoria and Virginia, and sons John Joseph, James, and George Milton – all McGillis. My specific interest is Victoria. If you have any information on this marriage and events that befell Winnie or daughter Victoria, please contact me. Thank you.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: CRESSEY
Today’s Date: 2018-02-19
My Name (First & Last): Cheryl Chatt
My Email:
Query Message:
I have two cemetery notations and would like to see if you can tell me what they reference:
Vol. 9 #2 and 3 (Bow Cemetery)
Vol. 7 #3 (Bay View Cemetery)
I am descended from Benjamin B. Sampson, who is listed in historical references as the homesteader that the town of Edison was later platted on. Any information you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Cheryl Chatt
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Sampson, Littlefield, Powers, Affleck
Today’s Date: 2017-11-19
My Name (First & Last): Jessica Gannon
My Email:
Query Message:
ROBERT NEWTON ROACH, Mount Vernon, 1890-1900. I am looking for any information about my Grandfather Robert Newton Roach, who I believe died in Mount Vernon in the late 1890s. He was born about 1852 in Missouri, and married Margaret E. Springer in 1890 in Columbus, Cherokee, Kansas. They had 5 children, the younger 4 were born in Mount Vernon: Martha Frances ‘Mattie’ 1891 (my, Joseph Henry 1893, Mary Josephine 1893, Walter Omar 1896, and William E 1899. By the 1900 Census Margaret is widowed, but I haven’t been able to find any information about Robert. I would like to find out when and where he died, and if anything is known about his early life I would also be interested.
Thank you very much for any assistance!
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Roach
Today’s Date: 2017-11-05
My Name (First & Last): Sara Lemke
My Email:
Query Message:
FYI found info on Joe Pinsker. Do you see anything for Joe Kappel Novemebr 22, 1958 such as obituary and burial place? I’m trying to look for a death certificate.
Thank you
Today’s Date: 2017-09-10
My Name (First & Last): Megan Burlingame
My Email:
Query Message:
Hello, I am looking for any information on my ancestors and genealogy. My Great Grandfather’s name was Archie Anable. His parents were Clyde Anable and Mary Flossie Washburn.
I only know that my grandfather, Robert, was born to Archie and his second wife (Mary Gunyah). My great grandparents were both deceased before I was born and my grandfather passed away when I was 14. I have never known or had contact with anyone on his side of the family recently I have started a family tree project and would love more information and to possibly make a new contact or few.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Anable Washburn
Maiden Name (optional): Hendrix
Today’s Date: 2017-09-05
My Name (First & Last): Kelly Mecifi
My Email:
Query Message:
If I am remembering correctly, there used to be (on your old site) a list of all folks buried in Union Cemetery. My great-grandmother was on that list, but the newer list does not include her name. Nor is she found on find-a-grave. Is there a way to verify her presence? Both of her parents, and some of her siblings are buried there. Her name, at death in 1986, was Mabel Pearl Phillips. Her parents were Martha Ann Adams (Hunter), and Charles Adams. Her two brothers, Walter Adams and Herbert Adams are buried there. As is her sister, Adah Baker (Adams). I just want to verify her burial place.
Any information you could provide would be helpful, thank you!
Kelly Mecifi
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Phillips, Adams, Baker
Maiden Name (optional): Leslie
Today’s Date: 2017-09-05
My Name (First & Last): Don Hampton
My Email:
Query Message:
I am looking for a church record or an obituary or a death certificate on Mary Brita Bergstrom, who died 9 Apr 1958 in Burlington, Skagit County. I am hoping to find her exact date of birth and the name of the city/parish in Finland, where she was living when she emigrated from Finland to the U.S. As I live in another state, it would be much appreciated if you can recommend the most likely church or other source in Burlington or Skagit County where this kind of information might be found? Thank you. Don Hampton
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Bergstrom
Today’s Date: 2017-08-31
My Name (First & Last): Sharon Schmidt
My Email:
Query Message:
Trying to.find out if Sharon schmidt of sedro woolley wa has truely passed away. She used to be a nurse also 4h leader for dog 4h and someone said she died however I can not find any info as to the validity of that. She wouldve died this past year, 2016-2017, was told 2017. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you! Oh she would be anywhere between 55 no older than 70 years old. She also used to live in clear lake and had moved to hwy 9 in sedro. That is the most info I have at this time.
Query Online?: Yes
Today’s Date: 2017-08-04
My Name (First & Last): John Bartos
My Email:
Query Message:
I am seeking to find information about my wife’s great aunt, Mary Emma King.
She was born on 6 October 1873 and is believed to have died in Sedro-Woolley, Skagit County, Washington on 3 April 1951. Her cremains are interred at View Crest Abbey, Snohomish County, Washington; her urn has the name Mary E. Perry on it and is in a niche with her first husband Joseph Little. I believe Mary was married three times; first to Mr. Little, second to a man surnamed Anderson and finally to a man surnamed Perry.
I am seeking any information about her, specifically if she has any children/descendants. I would be most grateful for any assistance you might provide.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: King, Little, Perry, Anderson.
Today’s Date: 2017-07-20
My Name (First & Last): Morgan Frazier
My Email:
Query Message:
Background: My Great great grandparents settled in La Conner circa 1888. They were Andrew Doyle and Sarah Jane (Salaway) Doyle. I have visited their graves, old farm, and the schoolhouse where my great grandmother Katherine and her sister Mary Agnes went to school. Sarah’s obituary is listed in the Societies Obituaries but not Andrew’s. Andrew Doyle is a bit of a mystery he was born AUG 20 1845 on Prince Edward Island, in Canada and died 16 JAN 1922 at home in La Conner. Andrew “appears” in Washington State in the 1885 territorial census of Whidbey Island working as a carpenter. I have his marriage, death record, probate record, and of course census records but I am still at a loss to where he was prior to coming to Washington State. I am hoping to locate an obituary or any other information that may lead me to the names of his parents, where he was born on PEI, where he was prior to 1885, or any information about his life in La Conner. Unfortunately their daughter Mary died young before her parents and Katherine (my great grandmother) married and lived her entire life in the Wenatchee Area so we have been estranged from the La Conner Doyle story. Thank you for any guidance
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Doyle
Maiden Name (optional): Washington
Today’s Date: 2017-06-22
My Name (First & Last): Paula Summerlin
My Email:
Query Message:
looking for info on john gilbert hilsinger in laconner parents… not sure on spelling of last name. his parent may be from bow
Query Online?: Yes, No
Surnames: tesdahl ? spelling
Maiden Name (optional): weed
Today’s Date: 2017-05-07
My Name (First & Last): Wade Baugher
My Email:
Query Message:
I am my families genealogist. My mother’s maiden name is McKenney. I have been trying to track down information about Samuel J. McKenney (McKinney). I recently came across a WWI Draft Registration card that informed me that Samuel J started using his middle name Jewel: The reason I know that is because he listed his brother Rufus of Madison Maine as his nearest relative.
Name Jewell Samuel McKenney
Race White
Birth Date 30 Apr 1874
Street Address P. O. Box 88
Residence Place Skagit, Washington, USA
Physical Build Slender
Height Tall
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Light Brown
Relative Rufus McKenney
I also have the Washington Death Certificate:
Jewell Mckinney
Event Date 6-Oct-34
Event Place Mount Vernon, Skagit, Washington
Gender Male
Age (Formatted) 61 years 5 months 6 days
Birth Date 30 Apr 1873
Father’s Name Not Known
Mother’s Name Not Known
Burial Place Milltown
Burial Date 9-Oct-34
Now I know his parents are Samuel G McKenney and Sarah J Smith and I have an 1880 Maine census record of him (still as Samuel J McKenney). Unfortunately, between 1880 and the 1917 draft record I can find nothing. I was hoping you might be able to locate a marriage record or local census data or some other information that might help me fill in his record.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: McKenney McKinney
Today’s Date: 2017-03-31
My Name (First & Last): Melanie Nederhood
My Email:
Query Message: Searching for record of my Grandfather,
John Percy Cassell, sedro woolley washington.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Cassell
Maiden Name (optional): Washington
Today’s Date: 2017-03-18
My Name (First & Last): Gail Bonsen
My Email:
Query Message:
Hi, I’m hoping to find a death notice for my 3rd gr grandfather William Thomas Leigh who died April 17th, 1897 in Skagit County. His wife was Mary Leigh. He is buried in the IOOF Cemetery in Mt. Vernon. Thanks so much Gail I do have Mary’s obituary.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Leigh
Today’s Date: 2017-01-17
My Name (First & Last): Daniel Probst
My Email: cascademountainrunners@gmail.
Query Message:
Herman Schieber, his daughter Jenny Schieber or any Schieber in the Skagit valley circa 1912. Herman Lived above the town of Concrete and had a cabin at where Schiebers meadow trail head is today. They may have lived in Hamilton at one point.
Thank you
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Schieber
Today’s Date: 2017-01-11
My Name (First & Last): Carol Torset
My Email:
Query Message:
This was posted on Skagit Breaking. I thought I would share it in case someone in the Society might know of this person. You can contact me if you have any info and I can put him in touch with you.
Submitted from Norway: My name is Ove Korsnes. I´m 62 years old and I live in Norway. My great grand uncle emigrated to America in 1923. He was never married and he had no children. For some time he lived in Ketchikan, Alaska, but I believe that his last years he lived in Sedro-Wooley, where he died on the first of March 1958, – 60 years old.
We know so little about him, because he seldom wrote to his relatives back in Norway, and none of the letters exists today.
Best greetings from Norway. And please excuse my bad english.n about him. How long he lived there, what he was doing, and so on. And may be some of the old folks in your community remembers him. His name was Edward Johanson Sinnes, born 15.05.1898. I have no picture of him from the time in America.
Best greatings from Norway. And please excuse my bad english.
Ove Korsnes
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Edward Johanson Sinnes
Today’s Date: 2016-12-20
My Name (First & Last): Peter Hurley
My Email:
Query Message:
I have a photo of my great uncle and aunt with Big Lake, Skagit, Wash on back. Their names were Luther Horace and Martha McNeal (nee Barker). The photo was probably taken in the 1890s. Thank you.
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: McNeal, Barker
Today’s Date: 2016-10-22
My Name (First & Last): Donny Anderson
My Email:
Query Message:
Looking for any possible support on WA research from Tennessee. Here is what I know:
1. My great-grandfather, Albert Smalley McCollum, was mentioned in his brother’s Knox County, TN 1923 obituary as living in “Washington State”. His previous residence was in Riverside, CA. Albert moved west from TN after the death of his wife in 1909. I have census, WWI application, and city directory information from Albert’s time in CA, but I have not been able to pick up his trail in WA.
2. Albert’s father remarried after the death of his mother. Albert’s step-mother, Dollie Catherine McCollum is said to have died in Burlington, WA in 1926. A number of her children from her previous marriage (Hodge surname) also moved with her to Burlington.
I know it is a long shot, but I would appreciate any assistance in my search for Albert McCollum. I’m hoping that his move and his step-mother’s move to WA was more than coincidence. Maybe local records could help resume my research regarding this line of my ancestry. Thanks so much for any consideration given. If there is a better resource for assistance with this information, appropriate direction would be appreciated.
Donny Anderson
Maryville, TN
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: McCollum, Hodge
Today’s Date: 2016-04-03
My Name (First & Last): Barbara Dante
My Email:
Query Message:
Looking for information about the farm owned by Vollie Boliver in or near Sedro-Woolley from 1953 to 1961. His wifwe was Nellie Boliver. They raised sheep, hogs, and chickens.

Surnames: Boliver
Maiden Name (optional): Boliver
Today’s Date: 2016-03-26
My Name (First & Last): Barry Antrim
My Email:
Query Message:
Looking for Erling Harold Bergslien
B 21 Sept 1907
D 1 Oct 1975
Last resided in Mount Vernon, Skagit county, Washington
Born and lived in Hanover Township, Lake county, Indiana (now called Cedar Lake, Indiana)
Father Syver Bergslien
Mother Jonette Bergslien
Brother older Rauf Bergslien
Brother older Lief Bergslien
He was well on in age when he left Cedar Lake. Not to be heard from again.
I believe he may be buried in Sedro Wooley Cemetery site 10.17.34.
Would kindly appreciate any other info available. Am trying to understand what he did in WA. Where he lived. Eyc.
Kindest regards
Barry Antrim
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Bergslien
Maiden Name (optional):
Today’s Date: 2016-03-07
My Name (First & Last): Richard Grill
My Email:
Query Message:
I am trying to locate descendants of Peter Pine Alexander, an early western pioneer. I found paintings, on cardboard, (16″ x 20″) of he and his wife at a garage sale, and think they should be returned to the family. They were out of their frames and were going to the trash.
I found some information about the family in a book, “Western Pioneers: The Descendants of Peter Pine Alexander”, by Edythe Fader, his Grandaughter, which says the family moved to Mt. Vernon in 1910 from Waterville, WA, and opened a furniture store and started a farm, called Hill Farm.
Could you help me in locating and contacting members of the family who might be interested in preserving these artifacts? No charge, of course, I just think the family might want these reminders of their past.
Thank you for any help you might be able to provide,
Richard Grill
Query Online?: Yes
Surnames: Alexander, Fader
Maiden Name (optional):
My Name (First & Last):
Tom Lampson
My Email:
Query Message:
I am trying to find information on the life of John Lee Bamer, possibly Johnny Lee Bamer or Lee Bamer. He died 22 Mar 2001 and had lived in Sedro-Woolley for many years. He was married to Viola Amelia Peterson Madsen Lonsdalen Bamer. While his death was in S-W. I do not know of his burial. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Tom Lampson
Maiden Name (Optional):
My Name (First & Last):
walter young
My Email:
Query Message:
Hi, My great aunt (Margaret Young Moore) settled your area in the 1800 and later moved to Arizona. There family plot is located in the Union Cemetery IF-N -33. Could you help me locate the plot (map of cemetery). I plan to be in area late in September. I am trying to find her interment and that of her family. Doe the name of your main st Moore St. have to do with this family????
Walter Young
Maiden Name:(optional):