Banner Contest

When you view any page on this website, you will notice an image at the top of the page.  These pictures are called a header.  They are  940 × 198 pixels.  So landscapes or wide angle shots  would be best.

We are inviting you to submit your best 10 images unique to Skagit County or relating to genealogy.  This could be a reunion showing your anonymous  family gathering.  Or a unusual shot of a local cemetery.  It could be a picture of the Deception Bridge.   We want you to use your imagination.  Do you have to take the picture?  No, it can be someone in your family.  These pictures must be your own amateur shots. By submitting your pictures, you are automatically giving SVGS permission to post them on the website.

This contest will begin in September and run through the first general membership meeting in January.  The submission phase will be from September through December.  You can submit your pictures to me (GeorgeR) at

After December the SVGS board will sort through and select 30 pictures.  Only the board will know who submitted what photos.

Prior to the January general meeting the SVGS board will submit the winning 10 pictures.  You can submit as many pictures as you want.  Remember these should be landscape shots that can be set to 940 x 198 pixels.  I will resize your picture to the proper size.  I will label your image in the lower right corner with your first name and last name initial and 2021. Sort of like this “GeorgeR 2021”

Good Luck
