Registration – Signup Instructions
Please complete this online registration application and click on the submit button (Note: All items marked required must be filled in or the application will not submit). Whether you elect to mail in your membership fee or use PayPal, you need to complete and submit this online application. The results submitted will be emailed directly to our membership and treasurer coordinator. Send your check or money order to the listed Society Address. To use PayPal be sure to click the down arrow just above and to the right of Buy Now and select your membership choice. Note: you do not have to use PayPal, you can use your credit card instead.
“Please allow 7 to 10 days for your application to be processed. We welcome you to WSGS and hope you will join us at our next general membership meeting. Because of Covid-19 we are not meeting at the Burlington Public Library. As a member, you will be emailed a link for a virtual meeting using Zoom.”